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⚒️ 200+ Climate Startups Manufacturing the Future

Across batteries, materials, packaging, metals, chemicals and steel

Following last weeks semi-viral list of 70 Climate Deep Tech VC’s, we’ll try to one up ourselves with a list of 200+ startups working on re-building entire industries with decarbonisation in mind.

Green Manufacturing all starts by asking why everyday things are built, designed, sourced or produced the way they are today and exploring alternatives that have the potential to completely upend legacy industries.

From creating high-strength metals for the energy transition to eliminating hazardous substances in chemicals, creating clean fuels to get us around sustainably to inventing new materials to meet our growing consumption demands - the possibilities here are endless.

That’s also why green manufacturing will be a central focus of ours at the HackSummit New York this December and our first batch of speakers brings together some of the most exciting founders and funders in this space.

Ahead of then, we caught up with three CEO’s leading the new manufacturing revolution and put together a list of 200+ startups that you should have on your radar 👀

🛠 200+ Green Manufacturing Startups to Know

The above logo map spotlights 120 emerging-to-established companies that particularly stood out across 11 verticals (Wood, Steel, Cement and Concrete, Metals, Hydrogen, Chemicals, Packaging, Textiles, Fuels, Batteries and Infrastructure).

But this is only scratching the surface of what’s happening in the Green Manufacturing space - to dig deeper, we put together an Airtable of 200+ companies working on new way of manufacturing.

Discover the full list below - and if you see a company missing, there’s a handy link to get them added in.

📈 Scaling Up New Manufacturing With 3 Pioneers

Taking on legacy industries and building entirely novel solutions to physical goods requires resilient entrepreneurs and a whole lot of funding behind them.

We caught up with three CEO’s who are at the forefront of the new manufacturing revolution, and who will also be joining as speakers at the HackSummit in December, including:

Discover what led them to the solutions they’re working on today, the challenges faced when scaling up and how they’re leveraging industry partnerships to unlock future growth.

🚢 Explore The Future of Manufacturing in Brooklyn’s Navy Yard

Image credits: David Sundberg / ESTO / Brooklyn Navy Yard Archives

The host of our inaugural US HackSummit is where else than Newlab in Brooklyn’s Navy Yard, a one-of-a-kind deeptech ecosystem housed in a venue dating back to the early 1800s.

The Brooklyn Navy Yard has played a pivotal role in shaping American history, from its origins as a naval shipyard that at its peak saw 75,000 workers on site to its transformation today into a dynamic industrial park home to 500+ businesses including some of the cities brightest builders and inventors.

We can’t imagine a better setting to discuss the coming of the next industrial revolution in a space so steeped in manufacturing history.

💡 Showcase Your Solution at the HackSummit in December

Over the coming weeks we’ll be scouting and selecting a handful of standout companies to showcase at the HackSummit in New York.

If you’re building a climate deep tech startup or scale-up and would like to be considered to showcase your solution in-front of relevant attendees (including 250+ VCs, Corporates, Banks & Asset Managers) - apply here by September 1st.

Startup Showcase Places are very limited and by application only. If you have a company you’d recommend we should invite - hit reply to let us know who.

Early Bird Tickets to the HackSummit in New York are now on sale - reserve your place today to lock in the best rates and come join us, and 500+ others, on 12-13th December for 2 days of the most productive networking and deal-making you’ll have all year.

Lets make the future happen,

Laura at Hack

P.S. Code FUTURE20 gets you 20% off the Early Bird Rate.